Progress+Possible release date?

As I wrote on my twt acc, I'm currently done w like 46% of the game (I count it w the animations btw) & I just don't have some parts finished that I'll try to finish within the few days even tho I wont have time 4 it that much & I'd like to finish it & release it in late July (so like 18th to the end of the July) & once I release it (I'll just advertize it in the fangan subreddit since that's what half y'all come from), I'll explain why it came out so late when for the 1st parts it was in April & about some things related to programming.

I can't just release every part every 3-4 months what some fangan devs do. (Not mocking anyone, its just beyond my understanding how can u manage to release 3 parts of a game within a year).

Oh, also since from the release, the games will get released differently, cuz I don't wanna make every new project whenever a new chapter comes out, mainly cuz of's limit of 20 projects & I'd probably have to move to gamejolt or smth, which I don't wanna do, cuz I like being on this website & moving would only complicate things.

Get Danganronpa Abandoned Lights Chapter 1

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