Another character removal?..

While I'm basically done with the sprites redo & I should start doing the other assets & continue with the script.

However.. I found with another issue which is that I'm considering removing another character cause..They're quite uncomfortable to write for me &  no matter how much would I try to make them bearable to write, it'd still be the same. And & I cannot change their fate, neither the story since I've already planned out all the big things & changing them would completely ruin everything.

I mainly kept them just cause they're connected to..someone..that  I have a slight place for some reason, but since that someone doesn't even appear there.. I don't see any reason to keep them anymore.

And here comes another issue..I'd have to update both of the games this time just to remove them & redo some of the dialogue. But I wouldn't include the sprites since by then I'd also have to redo the sprites of the victim which is something I wouldn't like doing (I have their default sprite but not the other ones that come w it.)

I know that'll probably annoy you, but I swear this would be the last removal or update.

Get Danganronpa Abandoned Lights Chapter 1

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